Cometreon Advanced Trading Indicators
Our tools are designed to offer precise forecasts, identify significant trends, and optimize your trading decisions.
Discover how these indicators can help you make more informed choices and maximize your trading potential.
Innovation and Technology
Precision and Reliability
Automatically draws Trendlines on the chart and signals breakouts, offering a clear view of market trends.
- Instant visualization of market trends
- Breakout/bounce alerts for timely decisions
Support and Resistance
Support and Resistance automatically identifies key support and resistance levels on charts, helping you predict potential bounces or breakouts.
- Automatic identification of critical levels for more accurate trading decisions.
- Provides customized alerts for bounces or breakouts.
Predict Trend
Predict Trend analyzes the current trend and searches for similar historical patterns, allowing you to visualize potential future developments based on historical data.
- Provides possible future movements with an average of historical results.
- Allows customization of pattern search for optimal precision
TradeLab Beta
Test and optimize trading strategies, using predefined signals, customizable conditions and risk management to maximize the effectiveness of your trades.
- Full Strategy Customization.
- Test signals on any symbol and timeframe.
- Integrated Risk Management.
Why Choose Cometreon Indicators?
Simplified Trading
Flexibility and Customization
Continuous Support
Suitable for All Traders
Do you have any questions about our indicators?
Yes, our indicators are designed to work across various markets, including stocks, forex, and cryptocurrencies.
Absolutely. Our indicators are designed to work together, enabling you to create sophisticated and highly effective trading strategies.
Currently, our indicators are available on TradingView. However, we’re actively working to expand their availability to all major trading platforms, increasing accessibility for our users.
Yes, we consistently release updates to enhance functionality and ensure our tools remain in sync with the latest market developments. These updates are also based on valuable feedback provided by our users, allowing us to continually improve and tailor our indicators to meet your trading needs.
We provide a range of subscription plans—monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual—all offering full access to our suite of indicators.